Our children take pride in wearing their Orchard House uniforms, which changes depending on the season and activities they have to look forward to each day.
All items of uniform must be clearly named. Parents should ensure that there are strong loops inside the collar on rain jackets and blazers so that they can be hung securely from the child’s peg.
Depending on the weather, children should wear either the 3-in-1 jacket (with or without the inner lining) or blazer for going to or coming home from school. They should return home in the same outerwear that they went to school in. A lightweight navy rain jacket (available from School Blazer) should be kept in school. Navy blue gloves, scarves and the optional woollen ‘beanies’ may be worn in very cold weather.
Summer uniform should be worn from the beginning of Summer Term until the end of Autumn Half-Term. Autumn uniform should be worn from the beginning of Autumn Half-Term to to the end of Spring Term.
Blazers should be worn for all smart occasions, such as trips, end of term assemblies, examinations and interviews. For every PE and Games lesson, or after school sports club, every child must wear the correct PE kit and should bring shin pads, mouthguard and water bottle. Warm clothing should be worn in cold weather.
Second-hand uniform sales are held, usually in the autumn, spring and summer terms. Parents are notified well in advance of these sales, which are organised by the Parents’ Association. Please ensure that all items of clothing, including shoes, are labelled clearly.
Uniform is obtainable from the school uniform supplier:
0333 7000 703 | customerservices@schoolblazer.com
Parents should register for an account, which will then enable full access to the uniform lists.
We try to ensure that changes to the uniform requirements are rare.